Privacy Policy

1.1 Collection of personal data

Pursuant to Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 27 April 2016, it is recalled that the personal data requested from the User is necessary to process his/her order (validation, confirmation, delivery of the order in particular) and to draw up invoices, as well as to ensure that the Client has a professional activity related to the dental field.

The User has, in accordance with national and European regulations in force, a permanent right of access, modification, rectification and opposition with regard to the information concerning him/her.

This right may be exercised:

– by post: X , France

– by e-mail to the address: X

Invizion undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of personal data communicated by the User.

The User is informed that Invizion may use the personal data concerning the User in order to send him/her commercial offers likely to interest him/her.

The data collected is kept by Invizion for the duration of the contractual relationship and up to 3 years after the end of this relationship.

1.2 Purposes of processing

The main purpose of the data collected by Invizion is to enable the delivery of Products to the Client and to communicate with the latter. This data may include the surname, first name, e-mail address, postal address, etc.

1.3 Right of complaint, deletion and oblivion

The User is informed of the fact that he/she may lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés either via the following URL or by post (3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07).

The data subject has the right to obtain from the data controller the deletion, as soon as possible, of personal data concerning him or her and the data controller is obliged to delete such personal data as soon as possible, when the personal data are no longer necessary with regard to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed (closure of the personal area); by writing to the address X@.

1.4 Rights of deceased persons

Invizion allows individuals to give instructions regarding the retention, deletion and communication of their data after their death by writing to X@.

In this way, a person can be appointed to carry out these instructions. This person is then entitled, when the person is deceased, to take cognisance of the directives and request their implementation from the data controllers concerned.

In the absence of directives given by the person during his or her lifetime, the heirs, who will demonstrate this (deed of notoriety), will have the possibility of exercising the right of access, provided that it is necessary for the settlement of the deceased’s estate, the right of opposition in order to proceed with the closure of the deceased’s user accounts and oppose the processing of their data.

1.5 Management of cookies

A “cookie” is an information file of limited size, installed on your personal equipment by the websites that the User visits. Cookies allow us to store browsing information, such as your browsing preferences or profile information.

Cookies may be created by our Site, in which case they are called internal cookies, or they may come from third party sites.

Some internal cookies are necessary for the Site to function properly.

Other internal cookies are not necessary for the operation of the Site.

Third-party cookies come from third-party sites and are not necessary for the operation of the Site.

On the first visit to the Site, a banner informs the User of the presence of these cookies and invites him to indicate his choice. They are then deposited only if the User accepts the cookies.

The User may at any time oppose all or part of the cookies and delete them by using the parameters of his browser. However, if the User objects to the cookies necessary for the operation of the Site, the User’s experience may be degraded.

If the User does not delete the cookies, they are kept on his equipment for a maximum of 13 months.

Among the cookies, some are used for audience measurement purposes. These are :

– Analytical and performance cookies. They help to estimate the number of visitors and to evaluate their habits of use of the Site. They are also used to track conversions.

– Targeting or advertising cookies. They help to recognise the User when he/she returns to the Site and allow the Site to be personalised or to propose targeted offers according to his/her centres of interest.

The User’s choices regarding cookies can be expressed directly with his terminal. In this case, he can authorise or not the recording of cookies in his terminal by using the appropriate parameters of his Internet navigation software. The cookie configuration may vary from one browser to another:

For Internet Explorer:

For Safari :

For Chrome :

For Firefox :

For Opera :

1.6 Absence of data transfers outside the EU

Invizion solicits the company OVH which assures it that the User’s data will be hosted in the European Union.

1.7 Right to portability

This right allows the User to recover the data concerning him processed by Invizion for his personal use and to transfer his personal data to him and to the organisation of his choice.

Given the temporary nature of the data hosting provided by Invizion, this portability will only concern personal data that have not yet been deleted by the passage of time.